Monday, February 20, 2012

Our Birthday Graph

We made a birthday graph using the information from our class
birthdays. We learned that March and May have the most
birthday's during the month and January had the fewest.

Here we are just being silly!

Gumdrop 3-D Shapes

The kids had a great time creating 3-D shapes using gumdrops and toothpicks. Here are a few pictures from this activity.

We had a speaker come and talk to all of the second graders about donating blood.

Flat Stanley Presentations

Isabella tells about her Flat Stanley adventures.

Ellie shows us her Flat Stanley book.

Jacob K. tells about his Flat Stanley adventures.

Jazzlynn poses for a quick picture with her Flat Stanley.

Great smile Scarlett and Flat Stanley.

Ean and his Flat Stanley.

Eliana tells about her Flat Stanley adventure.

Sean shows his Flat Stanley book.

Our Valentine's Party

Our visit from the dental hygentist.

Bella, Gabe and Ms. Cornado's students help
show us how to properly floss our teeth.

Getting between each tooth is very important.

More flossing techniques.

A fun story about great dental health.
She talked about the right kinds of foods for us to eat.

She talked about how often we should see the dentist.

She showed us how to brush...with her extra large tooth brush. John from our class is
pictured with two children from Ms. Coronado's class.

Still brushing.

Having fun with Geometric Shapes. Each group had to find the faces, edges and vertices for all of the 3-D objects.