Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sound Experiments

Jacob and Eliana experiment with a cup to see if they can hear one another.

Ellie and Brady try out the cups to see how they sound.

Allison is scratching the end of the wood rod to see if sound travels through a solid.

Travis is carefully see if he can hear sounds through the wood.

John and Trevor stop for a quick picture.

We are tapping the bottom of our desks to see if sound travels through another solid object.
I wonder if they can hear through the wood?

This group is trying the sound experiment through a solid as well.

Jazz, Ellie, Phoenix, and Jacob are using the stethoscope to see if they can hear sounds through liquids.

Ean, Allison, Bella, Sydney and John smile for a picture while experimenting with the stethoscopes.

Gabe, Isabella, Jacob K., Travis and Zoe taking turns using the stethoscopes.

Brady, Spencer, Caden and Scarlett posing for a quick picture during their experiment.
Next we are trying the tuning fork to see if its vibrations can move a ping pong ball.

We also listened to the sound the tuning fork makes after striking a piece of wood.

Their favorite experiment with the tuning fork seemed to be when they held it next to a piece of paper. It would vibrate the paper which made a cool sound.

This group is hitting the tuning fork on the piece of wood and listening to the sound it produces.

Next they dipped the tuning fork in the water to see what would happen.

More tuning fork experiments.
Striking the tuning fork on the wood and then putting it next to the paper.

All the kids are using a tongue depressor to see if the sound will change depending on how much hangs off the desk and depending on how hard they push it.

We are listening for a high and low pitch to be made.

Again trying to make different pitches.

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