Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Party

We had a great time at our holiday party this morning. Lots of parent volunteers made everything run smoothly and we enjoyed making several crafts together. Thanks to all the families who sent in donations for all our activities.

Here the kids are making their ornament/magnet with their picture.

This center was the snowman bag that brought home a very special present for all our families. Some students were giving this as a present so I won't spoil the surprise and tell you what it was.

Here we are enjoying frosting two cookies. One we ate right away and the other was saved for an afternoon snack to eat with our movie. To go along with our cookies we also had a drink of milk!

Decorating a special delivery for all our families.

Making reindeer food and playing a game.

This group is working hard to answer some questions that go along with our game.

Isabella and her dad take time out for a quick picture.

Here we have Sean and his dad getting their picture taken.
Allison and her mom in their festive green for the holidays.

Travis and his mom stop for a quick look at the camera.
What great smiles Scarlett and her mom share.

Ean, his mom and his little brother Elliott take a break for a picture.

Look how great Brady and her mom look.

Ellie enjoys having grandma with us today.

Montana enjoys a hug and quick picture with her mom.

Spencer is showing his mom his awesome reindeer food.

Sydney and her mom give great big smiles.

Bella and her mom looking stop for a quick picture as well.

Here we are wearing our Kwanzaa hats...look at those smiles!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Treat Shop-We had a great time visiting the 4th graders treat shop today.

Trevor is paying for all his goodies.
Travis, John, Sydney, Eliana, and Bella have
some tough choices to make.

Sean, Jacob K. Caden and Phoenix are looking
at all the different kinds of treats.

Scarlett listens to a 4th grader as she explains her options.

So many choices....

Spencer is paying while Zoe and Gabe wait their turn.

Zoe, Montana, and Isabella are checking out the snack mix.

Jacob, Jacob, Bella, and Brady wait their turn at the checkout counter.

After selecting their treats the kids move to the checkout lane.

John, Trevor, Phoenix, Ellie, and Allison show off their treats.

Spencer, Travis, Montana, and Eliana sure picked out some fun items.

Sean, Sydney, and Bella might even have some items to bring home.
Scarlett, Isabella, Jacob, Jazzlynn, and Ean can't wait till snack time.
Looks like Brady, Zoe, Caden, Gabe, and Jacob
found some really good treats!

We have our plane tickets and are boarding for our Around the World Holiday Unit.