Monday, December 12, 2011

Secret Santa Shop

Phoenix has found an item on his shopping list.

Gabe is paying for his goodies.

Isabella is at the wrapping station...don't look too closely
it may not be wrapped yet!

Sydney and Zoe are getting help from a parent
volunteer to check off items on their lists.

Sean is getting help writing down the price for his presents.
 Montana, Ellie, Isabella and Jazzlynn are doing
some serious looking at the secret Santa shop.

Travis, Jacob C. and Scarlett are looking over all the good choices.

Such good choices for Syndey and Zoe to think about.

Jacob K., Brady, Gabe and Caden take time out of their busy
shopping to smile for the camera.

Yes guys I am checking on your shopping progress. Thanks for the
great look Jacob C., Sean, John and Spencer.

Montana, Allison, Ellie, Jazzlynn and Isabella look over
all the options at this table.

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